The Journey of Awakening

S1E1 The Soul's Journey Introduction

Lynna K Teer Season 1 Episode 1

🎙️ The Journey of Awakening Podcast

Join Lynna K Teer, Spiritual Teacher and Conscious Manifestation Coach as she guides you through the transformative path of the soul's journey of spiritual awakening and conscious reality creation. Drawing from Neville Goddard's teachings and her own mystical experiences, this podcast explores manifestation techniques, spiritual principles, and practical wisdom for your awakening journey.

🌟 What You'll Discover:

  • Powerful manifestation techniques
  • Spiritual awakening guidance
  • Law of Assumption teachings
  • Practical consciousness work
  • Energy clearing insights
  • Mindfulness practices
  • Intuitive development

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Lynna, Hello everyone, and welcome to the journey of awakening. My name is Lynna, and today is an introduction to my new podcast, the journey of awakening. My previous podcast, as some of you may know, the mindset and manifesting podcast, has been on hold for quite some time. I needed to really decide how I wanted to proceed, because I got to the point where I was talking about some of the more esoteric things in regards to the soul's journey and awakening on that podcast, and I I decided that I wanted to separate the two, because there are individuals that are only interested in manifestation and growth and really transforming like their their mindset For me that is really that came for me at more so at the beginning of my journey, and I've been I have my awakening experience in early 2019 so since then, I've had all kinds of mystical experiences gone through deep healing processes, right? I build back so many layers, and my under like I know my soul like I understand so much more beyond just the mindset and manifesting aspect. So I decided to it was time to kind of take a step back and and create this podcast and kind of separate the two, although they do intertwine. So if you're interested in checking out the mindset and manifesting podcast, please feel free to do so. Some of the in on the original platform, a lot of the actually, I think all of the episodes, because they only hold the episodes for a certain amount of time. All of the episodes are no longer available, but I will be recording new ones. Some of the older episodes, I think, are still available on some of the other podcast channels, but I thought it would mention that in in case you started out listening to the mindset manifesting podcast, it did go away for a while, but I'm bringing it back, and I'm just going to focus on mindset, manifestation and growth, things like that. But for this podcast, I am going to be talking about the journey of the soul, the journey of awakening, including my own story of awakening and remembrance, because I went through the depths of poverty and trauma, emotional darkness and despair. I was never physically abused, but I was sa so that that was a difficult part of my childhood, but now I've had this profound realization of my divine nature, right? And you know, this isn't just my story. We're all aspects and reflections of each other. So that's not to say that my entire story will resonate with every one of you, but if something does resonate, then I'm here to provide insight and guidance into the soul's journey of awakening. Right? And mirror really is what I am to provide a piece or pieces of the puzzle for your awakening experience. I'm a spiritual teacher and a conscious manifestation coach, and what I do is I guide conscious men and women through their spiritual awakening journey. And I really aim to empower individuals to master the art of conscious reality creation while facilitating deep healing and personal transformation, right? And, you know, there's several different ways I do that, but one of the ways is really in I and you know, and showing you how you can use your outer reality as a reflection to do the internal work and really what's involved in that. So. Uh, so that's an aspect of it. And, you know, and then I also help individuals develop an unwavering trust in their intuition and to step boldly into their divine power, because we really are powerful. Each and every one of you are power. You are infinite power, really, and yeah, and how can you manifest your highest purpose? Through, through understanding yourself aligning with your soul, right? I mean, you are your soul. But how do you, how do you get to the core of that, right, with all this other stuff going on in our in our reality, right, in this human experience? So, you know, help people to step into that divine power and to manifest our highest purpose through practical spiritual wisdom and authentic self discovery. So oftentimes, I do that by illuminating the profound wisdom found in mystical teachings, particularly those of Neville Goddard. There are a lot of teachings out there, but Neville was really the catalyst for my awakening. So I have this feeling that that individuals who find me and find my teachings, a lot of a lot of you are either familiar with Neville's teachings, or you know, as I as as we embark on this journey, you will find his teachings helpful. So I enjoy sharing that wisdom and and at some point, I'll bring up the esoteric symbolism found within the Bible. And I'll do that because the teachings in the Bible, they are not what we have been taught, right? There is such a mystical nature to the teachings in the Bible, the symbolism found in the Bible that and and it there's a phrase in the Bible I might have to find it, if I can, I'm trying to think of the of the exact verse, And I it's not coming to mind, but basically, that symbolism In the Bible, like that true mystical symbolism is not meant to be understood by everybody right at some point, the souls that have chosen To awaken and have the Bible that that mystical nature of those teachings be part of of their journey. At some point it is that that understanding, that mystical nature of the teachings is revealed. And I can say that because there are things within scripture that have been revealed to me and it it's revealed through the Soul, through it comes through like a download, I guess you could say like a telepathic message or from a deep intuition in in my gut. So I, for me, I'm Claire audience, and clairvoyant, Claire sentient, and what's the other one? So I hear things, I see things, I know, things, I feel things, and they didn't all come online at once. The first thing was the the Claire audience. So when I get messages. It's like a, it's it's like a tele, telepathic voice in my head. And then when? And then there are some times I just get this deep knowing. It's like an intuition that comes from my from my gut. I. Um, or my heart, and I don't know how to explain that, but anyway, so when it comes to the teachings in the Bible, there have been certain things that that have just kind of, that have, have come through from my soul. And it wasn't always that way, right when, when I was in the church, I believe everything that the pastors told me, and then I go back and read the Bible now, and it doesn't happen every time I read the Bible, but in time, right in and divine timing, there are certain things that that come through. I'm like, Oh, and, and sometimes it comes through in dreams. So anyway, so that's, that's a big part of my my teachings is, is the mystical teachings in the Bible, Neville, Goddard, it's and then, of course, my own experiences. So let's, let's talk about childhood. Little bit. I'm going to share a little bit of my my childhood, and this is just kind of give you guys, like, an understanding of, really, where I'm coming from and why I'm even able to talk about any of this stuff. So when I was when I was a child, I grew up in poverty. I dealt with anxiety and depression. From about the age of five to age of 47 age of 47 I found the law of attraction, and then through affirmations and stuff, I really started doing the mindset work. And then I no longer dealt with anxiety and depression. And then in 2019 came across the teachings of Neville Goddard, and his teachings just resonated to my core. It was a deep knowing, like a remembrance of what he is sharing is true, at least true for me. Now I realize, at the time, I was like, Oh, this is true. Because I feel it like I know it's true. Now I realize that every individual is on their own journey. So the so biblical teachings, the teachings of Neville Goddard, may not be a part of everybody's journey, but it will be, I mean, it's going to be a part of some people's journey, right? Um, there are a lot of people who who enjoy noble teachings from um, from a manifestation point, point of view. But there are, there are a lot of people who also understand his teachings from from a deeper level, a soul level, right? And again, the information he shares about the about the Bible and about the nature of reality and about God and and everyone, everyone being God, right? So, so 2019 I'm my awakening experience. Now, before the age of five, I have, I mean, there are a few things I remember earlier than that, and there the reason I know that is because of a specific memory of living in an old house and and my brother being upstairs in his crib. He had pooped all over the crib. It was a mess. We had creaky old stairs in that house. The weeds were all grown up in the backyard. We didn't live too far from like a little convenience store down the road, because me and my sister, I used to walk down to the convenience store and, you know, and buy candy and stuff. I think I don't remember. I don't even know where it was at, or don't remember where we lived at that time. I mean, I was born in Florida, but we moved a few times, so I don't know where, where that was at, and might have been in Florida. I don't remember. I don't even remember if we moved out of state. Yeah, I don't even remember. That's interesting. But anyway, all right, I'm. To so here's i So, because I see things and I hear things sometimes when I'm when I'm sharing things, I will get a vision. I'll see things. And I so if i trail off a little bit, I apologize for that, but that's because something is coming to mind and I'm seeing it, or I'm hearing it, or I'm getting another piece of information that's coming through. I don't do that on purpose. It just automatically happens. So I'm not trying to be rude or purposely, like, stumble on my words such. I mean, that's just the nature, that's just the nature of my journey and my life at this point. So that's part of the reason why I've just, I've decided that I'm going to create scripts now for my videos instead of and my podcast episodes, instead of just trying to talk off the cuff, because, because I get sidetracked a lot. Um, yeah, so it's, it's interesting having your spiritual gifts come online. Alright? So, so I grew up in poverty, and again, I my first recollection of of having anxiety when I was about five years old. So I am 5054 54 now, and I don't even like to talk about age anymore, because it's really just a number. Our soul's really infinite, and our beliefs about age can really limit us. So I try not to say my age out loud or really think about it anymore. I try to just really think about the fact that, you know, time is really just an illusion. Um, our souls are infinite. So anyway. So growing up in that, growing kind of up in those circumstances, even from an early age, I questioned reality. I questioned the nature of things. I spent a lot of time in solitude questioning life and the nature of existence and who was God, right? And I remember on one of the dairy farms that we lived on, there was this long dirt road from our house down to that the paved road, and on the other side the paper paved road, there was this huge willow tree. And I used to love walking down and sitting under that willow tree, and I would just contemplate life at at at an early age, I was, we lived on the dairy farm in middle school, so even up until middle school, I was really kind of contemplating that kind of stuff, and I tried to Share with, you know, my parents and, you know, with handful of other people, even into, like my adulthood, every once in a while, something when conversation would come up, and, you know, we tried to to kind of share my my questions, my few points on things, but I never felt really seen or heard, because I thought this sounds so out there, right? So here's the way that I saw things as a child, actually, most of my life, and then at some point I just kind of, you know, I'm like, this is just, it's just too hard to think about all of this stuff, right? Because I because I felt like people don't think I'm crazy, so I really shut down not feeling seen or heard. And then for a period in my adult life, I just kind of was like, let me just not really kind of question this stuff anymore, right? Ended up going to church and believing everything the pastor said. And I, you know, for a couple of years, and then again, had my awakening actually left the church for about a year or so, had my awakening experience, etc. But anyway, so the way that I viewed things, for you. Uh, for a lot of my life, and didn't really know how to explain it, and I tried a couple of times, but I it really came back around the other day, I was talking to my daughter, and then one of my coaches that I've done past life regression with I kind of brought this up to her because I really, I reached out to her because I thought, you know, I understand manifestation so deeply, but why is it that I feel like I'm having just difficulty receiving when, like my like, what? What goes on with my nervous system when I think about like large sums of money coming in or feeling deeply loved, right? It my, it's like my nervous system has difficulty receiving that. So what I what I realized after talking to her, was it was I because I got this, I got this download, right? This, this insight that came through, it was like a telepathic message that came through from my soul. Was like said that this is a pattern coming back around, right? So it's time to let that go, because you understand it now. So what it was is, when I was a child, I I saw myself. It was really like looking outside, outside of myself, and seeing myself, and then seeing the world and such an expanded like an infinite, like just infinite space, right? So I knew there was so much more out there than what I was experiencing. And as I got after my awakening experience, not at first, but over the over the years, I've come to realize it's I've gained more insight into the way that I saw things then I have more clarity on it now. So now it's the same kind of thing as like stepping back, getting a bird's eye view of myself, experiencing myself in this reality, but also seeing the reflection outward in my reality, and also seeing that reflection back. So it's like a it's like a loop, and I was explaining that to my coach on the phone, and then when I got off the phone, that's when I got the message that came through was this, this was a pattern coming back around. It's come full circle, right? So basically, you don't need to feel misunderstood or that you have to shut down because you don't think people are going to hear you, because the individuals that are meant to to find you, to hear you will find you, right? Because just just like our outer realities hold information for each and every one of us, right? There are things in our reality that are like keys, and they unlock, they unlock knowledge and wisdom within us, right? We have all this knowledge and wisdom um, within our DNA, and there are things that we come across, teachers, those of you who have spiritual gifts, right? You may get messages, things like that. And the best way I can explain it is that they're like the they're like keys that unlock these, this wisdom and knowledge this, these instances of remembrance within us as certain points on our journey in this, in this physical lifetime, right? And the thing is, we carry knowledge with us from each lifetime, and again life time is not linear, so lifetimes past lives are really alternate realities, alternate timelines, alternate dimensions that all exist right now simultaneously. So when we remember something. It's we're aligning with that timeline in order to be able to remember it. So it really is a a journey. It's an awakening the our our soul is awakening in this physical body, right? God is awakening within us, so that we awaken to the full knowledge of who we are as divine beings. Okay, so it's such a profound, interesting journey, so I, I mean, for me, I've done so much work, and each individual, there's a there's there's work to be done, peeling back the layers of conditioning, peeling back the the stuff that we have really taken on as part of the soul's blueprint to experience in this lifetime, right? So it's, it's, it's really an unfolding. It's a like a a constant series of death and rebirth. Death and rebirth, right? You die to an old version of yourself, and it's it can be, it can be so small, right? An old version of yourself believed a certain thing about yourself, right? For me, I felt unseen and unheard. Well, I just died to that this week, and experience to rebirth. That's no longer true for me, right? I am a spiritual teacher, and I am here to share these experiences, to share this wisdom and this knowledge. I've done it in other lifetimes. I have been a spiritual teacher, a storyteller. In other lifetimes, I've seen that. I have had people validate that individuals who also have spiritual gifts and are able to do past life regression work. Right? My coach and I had another coach, I was able to look into the Akashic records as well and give me some insight into my soul blueprint. So I've done a lot of a lot of healing through past life regression. I've done work with coaches who have been able to look into the Akashic records and help me understand certain things about my soul, about my myself, my soul, my soul blueprint, my human design, etc. So I've done a lot of things from a lot of different perspectives, and I've been able to take what resonates and also and also what coincides with with things I've experienced growing up even prior to awakening. So when I was when I was about 10 years old, I was told I would share my story. One day I was and again, it came through like it came through as a telepathic like download. So I've been clairaudient. I don't even remember when that started, but, and I didn't know what it was. Now I understand I was clairaudient, but then again, when I was in the in the military, and I think it was the first time I went home on leave. I don't remember what year that was, but I was sitting on the plane and I heard it again. You will tell your story one day. And I mean, I've shared this before, so if you've heard this before, thank you for just sticking around. But so I was on the plane, and I heard it before, and I and I thought, Oh, I'm just gonna talk about dealing with anxiety and depression. I'm supposed to share that one day. That's all I thought I was supposed to share. I was gonna write a book and everything. Well, I didn't know that I was that I that I was going to awaken in this lifetime and have so much more to share, and have all, have all these mystical experiences and really understand the nature of the soul's experience, right? So it's just been you. An incredible journey. So the reason I'm even able to record this video today is because I had that insight, because it was time, it was time this pattern has come back around to show you. First of all, it started with just being able to see the world as an expansion, knowing there was more out there, but not really knowing what it is. Now I'm able to see, see what it is, right to see it like actually see it and understand it. Again, seeing myself, seeing the reflection and seeing that in the outer world, that projection onto the screen of space, and then seeing the reflection back, and using that to to heal and peel back the layers. And understand my journey. Understand manifestation, right? Understand the things that my soul has created and the things that I have aligned with by being in different states of consciousness, because in all actuality, we're not really creating anything in this life, because all things already exist. We are aligning with things that exist, and as we align with the energy of what already exists, we're able to see it, experience it, tangibly as a as a physical manifestation, right as a tangible manifestation in our reality. So again, it's just been an incredible journey. So there's so many things that I'd like to talk about and share with you guys on this, on this podcast, and if something resonates with you. I realize everything won't, but if something resonates with you, I would urge you just to, just to contemplate it, and if it, if it is meant for you on your journey, okay, if it doesn't resonate fully right now, it may just be a, a, c that's planted to to sprout, I guess would be good term at a at another date and time for you on your journey, right? I experience that, and I call it a seed, right? Like this little seed of knowledge that's given to you, the seed of an idea that's given to you, and then when it's when it's really meant for you to understand, to comprehend then you will. Because before I even understood about, before I even really understood energy ceiling, energy, seeing energy, feeling energy, that everything was energy, I had heard that concept years before. It didn't resonate. I thought it was crazy, right now, I understand it. I see energy, I feel energy, I understand it. So take that as you will. I'm really only here to assist and to step into my own divine purpose. It didn't come easy. It didn't come overnight. And you know, I've I've had to do my own healing, and I've had to get over imposter syndrome, right? Because there's so many teachings out there. There are other teachers who who teach from different perspectives, who have been on their own journey, share from their own knowledge, wisdom and experience. And I've really kind of had to realize that, you know, we're we're really all in this together. We are all connected, and we each hold innate knowledge and wisdom that is meant to be shared and is meant to assist others. Because whatever I share with you at some point in your journey, you will take what I share, what other people share, other teachings you come across, depending on where you are in your journey, and share that with others, because you're going to have your own. Experiences, and there will be wisdom and knowledge, remembrance of your own past lives, things like that, at some point, will will arise within you that you'll be able to share with others. When it will happen, I don't know, right, but I firmly believe you would not have found me be listening to the this podcast if there weren't some, there wasn't something in what I'm sharing that wasn't meant to resonate with you, right? That's how energy works, right? We don't come across people by accident. And if on some level, there wasn't an energetic alignment or a purpose to you finding my teachings, finding other teachings, then they would not even exist in your awareness. So I thought I would share that with you guys. Alright, so that is it for today's episode. And I wish everybody a wonderful day, no matter where you are in the world, because I realize some of you may be listening in the afternoon, the evening, what have you. So wherever you are, have a truly wonderful day. If you're interested in mindset again, check out the mindset and manifesting podcast. I will try to get an episode out before I publish this episode. So if you do go over there, there will at least be a fresh video up. So thank you so much for joining me, and I will see you guys in the next episode. All right. Bye. Now you.

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